National Football Museum Ticket Portal

Privacy Policy

National Football Museum Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

The National Football Museum (charity number: 1050792) and its subsidiary trading company (no: 07539263) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and the personal data we may collect about you when you interact with us. This Privacy Notice outlines what information we keep and how we use it.

The National Football Museum is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, and we follow current UK and EU data protection law under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 relates to the handling of all data including volunteer information as well as employee, client or customer related data. Data under the Act breaks down into two categories – ordinary personal data and sensitive personal data. The Act requires the NFM to take additional steps to protect sensitive personal data.

In addition to the 1998 Act a new regulation came into force on the 25th May 2018 called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). On the 01/01/21 the UK’s data protection regime was set out in the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR) after leaving the EU. The GDPR is retained in domestic law as the UKGDPR, but the UK has the independence to keep the framework under review. The UKGDPR sits alongside an amended version of the DPA 2018.

UKGDPR requires the data processor, the National Football Museum (NFM), in this case to manage your personal data under the following controls:
• Lawfulness, fairness, transparency
• Purpose limitation
• Data minimisation
• Accuracy
• Storage limitation
• Integrity and confidentiality

Under GDPR we are also required to define the lawful basis for processing your personal data. It is a requirement that at least one of the following can be considered the lawful basis for the collection, storage and processing of your data:
• A. Consent, clear and unambiguous for a defined purpose.
• B. Required for a contract / purchase or transaction.
• C. Legal requirement.
• D. In the interest of the person
• E. In the public interest
• F. Legitimate interest of the organisation

We will never sell your data and will only ever share it as detailed in this notice. If you have any questions regarding our privacy and data protection policies, please contact


You don’t have to create an account or provide us with any personal information to use our website. However, we may ask for some personal details for the following:
• To purchase an admission ticket
• To buy from our online shop
• To subscribe to our newsletters (e-mail)
• To complete visitor research questionnaires to improve our services and offer

When we ask for your contact details we will always ask if you wish to receive any further communications from us and what kind of communications you wish to receive. We will never share your details with any third parties unless we have specifically asked for your permission to do so.

Unless you have specifically ‘opted in’ to receive further information from us, we will only contact you to fulfil any contracts or services you have requested from us (for example purchasing an item from our online shop or sending you a ticket for admission or an event), or to notify you about a change to any aspect of our service.

Data Analytics

When you visit and browse our website the following information is received: anonymised details of your IP address, browser type and operating system and the web pages you visited.

Our website uses ‘cookies’ which are text files placed on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies help us understand how you use our website. They don’t collect personal data, only the data created by your browsing. We use Google Analytics to collect this data which may include: which pages you see, how long you stay, if you visit the website again, which country or city you are browsing from and the age and interests of our users. This information may be used by us to see how our website is being accessed by our visitors which helps us understand the effectiveness of our website and improve our marketing.

Our website may occasionally provide links to third party websites. Please be aware that these sites will have their own privacy policies and if you follow a link, the National Football Museum cannot accept any responsibility or liability for these policies.

Admission Tickets

The purchasing of tickets for general admission to the museum is facilitated by a 3rd party supplier: “The Booked it group limited”. This system securely captures your name, address, email address, contact phone number and payment details and allows us to have a record of your ticket purchase. We will only contact you should there be a problem with your booking, supply any additional information needed for your visit or to issue a refund. We will not contact you for any other purposes unless you have given us permission to do so.

You can find out more about Booked it and how they use data here:

We also sell our admission tickets through on line 3rd party ticket sellers: “Get Your Guide” and “Open Pass.” You can find out more about how they use data when purchasing a ticket of via the links below:

Visitor surveys

When you purchase a ticket to visit the museum you will be sent a link to a visitor survey included in your receipt e-mail. The survey is hosted by the Arts Council approved survey supplier “Illuminate-data”. Completion of the survey is optional. The reports generated are anonymised so you cannot to identified and help us to improve our visitor offer. We do not sell your date to anyone or share with commercial partners for marketing purposes.

You can find out more about Illuminate and how they use data here:

Online Shop

We use Shopify for our online retail store, where customers can browse and purchase items from our product range. This e-commerce platform captures your name, address, card payment details, email address and telephone number, which enables us to post your items and keep in contact in case there are any issues with your order. We will not contact you for any other purposes unless you have given us permission to do so.

You can find out more about Shopify and how they use your data here:

On occasion we may need to use WorldPay services to process card payments in the unlikely event that Shopify services are temporarily unavailable. You can find more information of WorldPay privacy and how they use your data here:

We have a number of suppliers who delivery directly to customers on our behalf, we only share information relevant to that purpose.

Email Marketing

Should you wish to opt in to receive further information about the National Football Museum, our main method of communicating with you will be by email newsletters. We will only send you emails about the museum and its services (including our communities programming, shop, café and venue hire), and occasionally what else is happening in Manchester. This may include new exhibitions and events, discounts, offers and general museum news. We may occasionally ask you to take part in a survey to help us improve what we do at the museum.

You can opt out at any time via the unsubscribe link included in every email. We use software called Mailchimp to send our newsletters. We use this to help us monitor how often newsletters are opened and to see whether you look at any pages of our website as a result of receiving a newsletter. This helps us understand whether our newsletters are useful to you and how we can improve them.

You can find out about Mailchimp and how they use data here:

Other Forms of Communication

We may send you information via social media if you’ve registered an interest on any of our social media channels. If you email us, contact us by telephone or fill in a form at the museum we will only contact you about your specific question or query and in the way you wish us to contact you.


CCTV has been installed to meet the legitimate aim of improving the safety of all staff, volunteers, visitors, partners and contractors by reducing the risk from criminal activities including: violence, anti-social behaviour, theft of monies / stock / collection items and terrorist attack.

Data Retention and Access

We do not store your data longer than we need to, to achieve the purpose it was collected for. This may include providing you with the goods or services requested, to administer your relationship with us and to ensure we remain compliant with GDPR.

To request a copy of your data held by the National Football Museum please contact or by post to the Data Protection Officer, National Football Museum, Cathedral Gardens, Manchester M4 3BG. We do not store information that is considered to be sensitive personal data under the terms of the Data Protection Act and GDPR.

An organisation normally has to respond to your request within one month. If you have made a number of requests or your request is complex, they may need extra time to consider your request and they can take up to an extra two months to respond. If they are going to do this, they should let you know within one month that they need more time and why.

Can an organisation charge a fee?
In most circumstances, they should give you a copy of your personal information free of charge. However, an organisation can charge a reasonable fee to cover their administrative costs – if they think your request is ‘manifestly unfounded or excessive’.

They can also charge a fee if you ask for further copies of your information following a request. If an organisation can charge a fee, the one-month time limit does not begin until they have received the fee.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

Any changes we make to our Privacy Notice will be posted on this web page. The last update was made in October 2023 and as a minimum will be reviewed every two years, or more frequently in line with changes in legislation.


DigiTickets Privacy Policy

Who we are

In this privacy policy references to "we", "us" and "our" are to National Football Museum. References to "our Website" or "the Website" are to

Information collected and its use

The information we collect via the Website may include:

  1. Any personal details you knowingly provide us with through forms and our email, such as name, address, telephone number etc.
  2. In order to effectively process credit or debit card transactions it may be necessary for the bank or card processing agency to verify your personal details for authorisation outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Such information will not be transferred out of the EEA for any other purpose.
  3. Your preferences and use of email updates, recorded by emails we send you (if you select to receive email updates on products and offers).
  4. Your IP Address, this is a string of numbers unique to your computer that is recorded by our web server when you request any page or component on the Website. This information is used to monitor your usage of the Website.
  5. Information about your device such as your web browser, screen resolution and operating system. This information is used to ensure we continue to support the different devices used by our customers.
  6. Data recorded by the Website which allows us to recognise you and your preferred settings, this saves you from re-entering information on return visits to the site. Such data is recorded locally on your computer through the use of cookies. Most browsers can be programmed to reject, or warn you before downloading cookies, information regarding this may be found in your browsers 'help' facility.

We do not store any credit card details.

What we do with your information

Any personal information we collect from this website will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable laws. The details we collect will be used:

  1. To process your order, to provide after sales service (we may pass your details to another organisation to supply/deliver products or services you have purchased and/or to provide after-sales service);
  2. In certain cases we may use your email address to send you information on our other products and services. In such a case you will be offered the option to opt in/out before completing your purchase.

We may need to pass the information we collect to other companies for administrative purposes. We may use third parties to carry out certain activities, such as processing and sorting data, monitoring how customers use the Website and issuing our e-mails for us. Third parties will not be allowed to use your personal information for their own purposes.

Cookie Policy

Like many websites we use cookies to store and then retrieve small bits of information on your computer when you visit. This information is used to make the site work as you expect it to. It is not personally identifiable to you, but it can be used to give you a more personalised web experience.

Some of the information stored is put there by other companies whose software we have added to the site, and this can also impact your experience of other websites you may visit after leaving ours.

If you continue to use this site without taking action to prevent the storage of this information, you are effectively agreeing to this use.

If you want to learn more about the general uses of cookies, including how to stop them being stored by your computer, please visit Cookiepedia - all about cookies.

Below is a list of the different types of cookies used on this site, and an explanation of what they are used for. If you would like any more information, please get in touch.



Expiration Time


Shopping Basket


24 minutes

This cookie is used to keep track of what items are in a user's shopping basket.

Cookie Consent


1 year

This cookie is used to monitor the users consent for analytical cookies on our site. No user data is collected without this being enabled.

Google Analytics


2 years

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
Read Google's overview of privacy and safeguarding data


24 hours


1 minute

Microsoft Clarity


1 year

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site and how they interact with the website.
Read Microsoft Clarity's Cookie Overview and Data Retention Policy.


1 year


1 year


1 year


1 year


1 year


1 year

New Relic


1 year

This cookie is used to collect information about visitor's experience of the site in terms of performance. This helps us to monitor that our systems are working quickly and effectively, and to identify any problematic areas.
Visit the New Relic website

Your Rights

You have the right to request a copy of any information that we currently hold about you. In order to receive such information please send your contact details including address to the following address:
National Football Museum
Cathedral Gardens, Manchester
M4 3BG

Other websites

This privacy policy only covers this website. Any other websites which may be linked to by our website are subject to their own policy, which may differ from ours.

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